🏸 I enjoy badminton, chess, and singing Disney songs (horribly) while in the shower.
📷 I sometimes post stories on Instagram, along with various
selfies from work, to subtly show-off the fact that I'm a dentist. Please follow me if that sounds remotely appealing.
Why I'm Writing This
🤔 I don't know much relative to what I need to know, but I believe in being radically open-minded and being radically truthful. Please criticise or correct me.
🧠 Being radically open-minded means being open to criticism, and being radically truthful means saying what I truly believe in. I am still developing my principles for life, and I'm going to be wrong.
Get in Touch
🐦Twitter - If you've got a short question (<280 characters), please tweet @YiQi55. Am trying to subtly force myself into using Twitter.
📷 Instagram - If you don't want it to be a public tweet, please DM @yiqi_55 and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
📨 Email - If it's a longer thing, please email me (limyiqi55@gmail.com).
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