โœ๏ธ Studying


We spend the first 20 years of our lives studying. Maximize your results and minimize time spent studying.

On this page

My Ultimate Guide to Studying

I'm a dental student, and my course requires me to read quite a lot. Here are the ways that I've found useful to maximize my results in the least amount of time. I hope they'll be of some use to you too.

๐Ÿ“– Principles of Learning

Principles of Learning

Study Techniques to Avoid

Evidence-based Study Techniques

โ˜• Specific Study Process

  1. Scoping Your Subject - Stay on top of your studies
  2. Cornell Notes System - Take better notes
  3. The Feynman Technique - Eliminate gaps of knowledge
  4. Pomodoro Technique - Focus Better

๐Ÿ“š Books I've enjoyed

Book Notes - A Mind for Numbers by Barbara Oakley

๐Ÿ’ Tech Tips

You might also find my tech section handy - I list all my favourite gear & apps there, and there's a section how you can use apps for studying and to keep track of productivity.

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